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Send your tokens

Currently, SmartWallet supports 2 types of token transfer: Send to 1 receiver and Send to Multiple (batch transaction). You can send tokens in your assets and have the flexibility in choosing the currency to pay for the transaction fee.

SmartWallet supports paying fees in both native tokens and ERC-20 tokens. You can configure the default token to pay fee in Settings -> Config Token Fee on the left menu bar.

Send to one recipient

If you want to transfer your token to another wallet, follow these steps:

Step 1: Login to the system and click on Send New on the left menu bar.

Enter the receiver's email address (if it’s available in the system) or wallet address. Or you can choose a receiver from your address book.

Select the token and enter the amount you want to transfer. Now you're presented with the estimated gas fees of your transaction.

Select the token you use to pay for the transaction fee. The estimated gas fee will change based on your selected token to pay.


Then click Sign and Send and popup Confirm Transaction will show up with the information of your transaction.

Step 2: Enter valid passcode and click on Confirm button.


Step 3: Check your email to get the verification code, enter the valid code and click on Confirm button.

The code will expire within 15 minutes. If your code expires, you can request the system to resend code by clicking on the ‘Resend code’ button.

After confirmation, if you have a guardian and your send transaction is sending out of whitelist, proceed to Step 4.

If you do not have a guardian and your send transaction is send in whitelist, proceed to Step 5


Step 4: An approval request will be sent to your guardian and expires within 24 hours. You need at least half of the guardians to approve.

Your request will expire if there are not enough approvals from the guardians.


Step 5: The system will be redirected to the Send board page and you can see your send transaction on the latest transaction section and track the process of your transactions.

After the transaction is completed, your balance will be updated and you can see your transaction history on the History page.


Send to Multiple

SmartWallet also supports sending to multiple wallets at a time, batching multiple transactions together to cut down on the transaction fee.

Step 1: Login to system and click on Send to Multiple on left menu bar

You can choose type of send to multiple: Equally divided, Predetermined amount for each receiver and Random divided

  • Equally divided: Token amount you send will be divided equally among each receiver
  • Predetermined amount for each receiver: You can enter send tokens for each receiver
  • Random divided: Token amount you send will be divided randomly among each receiver


If you choose Equally divided or Random divided, you will need to enter the total amount of token you want to send.

Add a receiver to the List of Receivers by clicking the Add Receiver button. After clicking the button, the system will display a pop-up Add Receiver. You can enter a wallet address or email address - if it is available in the system.

Step 2: Enter the amount of each receiver (if you choose the type of send to multiple as Predetermined amount for each receiver) and select a token to pay fee currency.


Then click Sign and Send and popup Confirm Transaction will show up with the information of your transaction.

Follow the other steps similar to sending to one receiver.


  • Transaction fee would be slightly higher depending on the number of wallets you send to
  • If there is 1 address not in whitelist in your lList of receivers, your transaction would be considered sending out of the whitelist.